
@fashionambitionist | Takes Aruba

TBH, this was not a normal pack. Two reasons: 1) not everyone is an influencer, 2) not everyone is the mama bird of their family (see: packs enough for sunscreen for 4). We did narrow down some of the packing list though. Here it goes:

The Prep

Always start with a list of what you want to pack. I'd say base this off of what you're doing (aka your itinerary) and things you know you'll need/wear for those activities.

Also, trying on clothes beforehand to make sure you feel good in the outfits is a bonus I always take advantage of. @fashionambitionist is the same way, but work was far too hectic to do this, so we gave her a few extra outfits just in case.

**If you don't feel good in the outfits you don't pack, maybe it's time to let these pieces go completely.


The Pack

Lay out your clothes, fold in cubes, pack in suitcases, go away

Night Outfits
Day Outfits
Intimates Layout

Wanna see my hat trick?

"The Hat Trick" Fill the hat with clothes, flip, and fill open spots with more clothes

Bags in bags

"Bags in Bags" Saves space and helps preserve the shape of your bags during travel