Greece to Italy

Greece & Italy | For 2 Weeks



Forgive me for being a broken record, but layout your clothes as you pack. And try on the outfits if you're feeling adventurous.

Pre-pack, I always jot outfits down according to my itinerary on Excel or iPhone notes - and I'm particularly proud of this one for thinking of this idea on her own, running it by me, and making it before I got to the apartment to pack.

Top priority was that certain outfits could go from day to night and all outfits had the appropriate vibe for its planned activity and location.


I don't particularly enjoy accessorizing for each outfit...because it takes up space.

But if you insist, make it easy on yourself to pack by matching accessories to the outfits you're packing (not just throwing your whole jewelry bag in your suitcase) and trying to wear accessories more than once.

And then make it easy to find each outfit's accessories. Even breaking down accessories by location (stacked in order in baggies) helped this client not sift through all of her packed accessories to get ready.


After we narrowed her outfits down, we packed him and her.

His Pup
Power Couples Pack
Her Pup

Not sure if this is a post about packing or puppies.
CC: United Airlines