AirBNB vs. Hotels

AirBNB vs. Hotels

There is a reason why AirBNBs are cheaper than hotels. Simply put, you don't get as much out of an AirBNB. That includes the little things you'll need to pack. Here's a list to help with packing if you're staying in an AirBNB:

  • Q-tips
  • Toothbrush + toothpaste
  • Soap, soap, soap [This stuff can be so sketch in an AirBNB, if it's provided. And it probably won't be labeled - skip it and bring your own.]
    • Shampoo
    • Conditioner
    • Body wash
    • Face soap
  • Make up remover pads
  • Call house keeping for anything else? Pack it!

Check your AirBNB listing for:

  • Hair dryer